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Yi Jing is a design innovator & Technologist. He is particularly interested in designing how people interact with new emerging technologies, and finding applications that solve real problems, at the same time a delight to its users. He is commonly known as the design-tech dude with a knack of picking up skills on his own, with his recent projects ranging from mixed reality projects, spatial experiences, and product innovation.

In a world that is accelerating at record speed, Yi Jing’s most valuable asset is his eagerness and ability to quickly acquire new skills. This is evident in his multi-disciplinary projects - from digital interaction design involving programming to product innovation involving user research, market analysis, and storytelling. 

He also thoroughly enjoys ideation and putting himself in a headspace that gets him out of the "cliché" box. The past few years of design education have allowed him to codify this process. Yi Jing thrives best working in teams, as it facilitates his creativity and critical thinking the most. He believes that healthy relationships are integral to any project, ultimately yielding great results. 

Yi Jing is currently experimenting with emerging tech to create memorable experiences at Nextofkin Creatives. 
©Yi Jing 2024